9 Admirable Traits Shared By Emotionally Strong Couples

They are easier to adopt than you might realize.

Elizabeth Karls
Hello, Love
Published in
8 min readMay 18, 2022


Photo by Leonardo Cardozo Galves: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-happy-couple-1802241/

Growing up, I looked up to my cousin Ken when it came to matters of relationships.

Ken is a phenomenally handsome guy who could get any girl he wanted and yet, he was always in a stable, committed relationship. I never understood how he did it until one day, I sat…



Elizabeth Karls
Hello, Love

Clinical Psychologist in training. Mental Health advocate. Top writer in life, love, relationships, psychology. Write for us https://medium.com/clear-yo-mind